Handy Tips For Great Cooking Any Time!

With so many different resources available for cooking, it can seem like there is an information overload — leaving you feel extremely overwhelmed. However, just by using these simple tricks you can quickly and easily learn ways to prepare and serve high quality food that the whole family will enjoy!

To prepare for the meal that you are going to cook, make a comprehensive list of everything that you are going to need to cook your meal when you go to the supermarket. This will allow you to stay as organized as possible so there is no part of your meal that you leave out.

When sautéing vegetables using Pomace olive oil is a great substitute for butter that should be used. The Pomace olive oil is very affordable and will give vegetables a mild flavor that is quite delicious. You can purchase the Pomace olive oil at any Middle Eastern grocery store. It is low in carbs and in price which makes it extremely appealing.

Eggplants tend to turn black during cooking unless you treat them properly. Add a spoon of milk to the cold cooking water and add the plant to that milky water. The eggplant will not change its color during cooking and will make your dish more appetizing when you serve it.

It is fairly easy to dry tomatoes yourself. Slice a large, ripened tomato in half-inch-thick slices. If you are using Roma tomatoes, slice them lengthwise into two pieces. Lay your tomato slices across a cooling rack with the cut-side facing up, and salt them lightly. The next step is to put the rack on an old cookie sheet and then place in an oven set at 190 degrees for at least 10 hours. Place them in the freezer in plastic bags. You can also pack dried tomatoes in a jar with some fresh herbs and olive oil. This will be good for up to two weeks, and should be refrigerated during that time.

Stop! Don’t throw away those turkey leftovers! Rather, cut the turkey into pieces, pile it into a sealed container and freeze it. Freezing can add weeks to the life of your leftovers and turkey can be pulled out as desired, and thawed for sandwiches or shredded for salads.

Your cutting board retains the odors of certain herbs and vegetables despite repeated scrubbings. Separate the halves by using indelible ink on the cutting board so you know what belongs on each side.

Make sure you season your meat and fish evenly. Sprinkle your salt and pepper over the food as though it is snowing. This will make it so you avoid clumping and avoid having parts of the meat without any seasoning. This will make for a tastier meal.

Organization while cooking is necessary in order to avoid disasters, like under done or burnt food. Your time spent cooking will also be more productive if you are organized. Being disorganized means having difficulty finding things and quite possibly ruining an entire dish, wasting valuable time and money!

Invest in high quality cooking pans and tools. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go for the most expensive, but quality does make a huge difference when it comes to what we use to cook with. A high quality pan will be able to handle higher heats without warping. Quality tools will be able to do their job longer and more effectively than cheap brands. Check reviews before purchasing new items for your kitchen.

To test the freshness of an egg, place it in a cup of water. If it sinks, it’s fresh. If it floats, it’s getting old. As an egg ages the fluid inside slowly evaporates as oxygen and gases seep inside. This makes the egg lighter and causes it to float.

When you are seasoning meat and fish, make sure you season it evenly. You should always sprinkle the herbs and spices. This will ensure that they do not clump in one area. You want your meat and fish to taste the very same from the first to last bite.

Get perfectly beaten egg whites. For perfectly beaten egg whites, use a copper bowl. Copper makes the egg whites more stable and they can be whipped to a greater volume. There is an ion in copper that binds with the protein in egg whites, causing them to become more stable. If you don’t have a copper bowl, a stainless bowl will achieve the same results by adding a little cream of tartar to the eggs whites prior to beating.

If a dish requires thinly sliced meats (like some Chinese dishes, for example), freeze the meat before slicing. This makes it hold its shape better when you are slicing, which allows the knife to cut through with a cleaner line. When meat is thawed out, you often have to use a sawing motion to cut the beef, which can make your lines uneven and jagged.

Choose cuts of meat when roasting. Large rib roasts or tenderloin can be terribly expensive. When roasting meat, consider buying a cut of meat instead. It will save you a lot of money. Legs of lamb, turkey breasts, even pork shoulder are all capable of being just as delicious while being far more affordable.

To avoid wasting chipotle peppers when you need only a couple from a can, puree the remaining peppers and adobo in a blender or food processor, then transfer the puree to an ice cube tray lined with plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. When the puree is frozen, move the cubes to a freezer bag. You can use the chipotle cubes in soups, sauces, taco meat and more.

Now that you have read about these great cooking tricks, you can begin to enjoy cooking and spend less time worrying. These tips will not only save you time but also a lot of money. When you put them to use today, you can enjoy having an overall better cooking experience.


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